How to connect 100's of customer management systems to Yonder using Zapier
Zapier is an online service that helps connect customer events, like bookings, appointments and invoices with Yonder, and many other systems. They have a free plan, with paid plans to facilitate high volumes. It's super simple to connect, a one-time thing. See below for steps...
How it works?
Zapier informs Yonder any time there is a new booking, or a change to a booking. That means Yonder won't know about any bookings that have already been created before you connect.
Steps to setup the integration
Create a Zapier account
Go to to setup an account. They have a free plan which will suit many users.
Make sure the timezone in Zapier is correct, to ensure timestamps come through to Yonder accurately. Go to "Profile" and down the bottom is your timezone setting.
Add your CRM system to your Zapier account
Give Zapier authorisation to connect to your CRM account. Go to "My Apps" in Zapier, link here.
Search for your CRM and follow the instructions to connect it.
Add Yonder to your Zapier account
Go to My Apps again to add Yonder to your Zapier account.
Click on "Add Connection", search for Yonder and click on Yonder.
A pop-up will appear and you'll be asked to enter your Yonder API Key. To find this, go back to Yonder, go to Settings -> Booking System and then click on "Zapier". You'll then see your unique Zapier API key.
Enter it into Zapier, click "Yes Continue" and you'll be connected.

Now you've got both the sending the receiving accounts conneted in Zapier, let's connect them with a Zap !
Create a Zap
Click on "Make a Zap".
Create a trigger
Search for your CRM
Click on "Choose an event" and select the relevant trigger. Click on Continue.
If there are multiple triggers you want to connect, you'll need to create a Zap for each.
Select your CRM account, which completes this step. If you haven't already completed the authorisation steps to connect your CRM wih Zapier you may be asked to do that now.
Create an action
Search for "Yonder".
If you haven't already completed the authorisation steps to connect your CRM wih Zapier you may be asked to do that now.
Choose an event, and select "Sync Bookings".
Then map the various data fields from your CRM to Yonder. The mapping should look like this....
- Start Time = Some date of the event you're mapping. If there is no End Time, this is used to determine when to trigger a survey to a customer
- End Time = If you have it, map the end time. This is used to determine when to trigger a survey to a customer
- Status = Eg. Cancelled, Confirmed, Unconfirmed. If this isn't relevant, ignore it and 'confirmed' will be assumed.
- ID = This is used for the event, eg. invoice number or booking number.
- Customer First Name = Customer First Name
- Customer Last Name = Customer Last Name
- Customer Email = Customer Email
- Customer Mobile = Customer Mobile
- Product Name = This is used to categorise the feedback, such as a type of service performed.
- Product ID = This is used to categorise the feedback.
- Total Number of People = Not required, just more information to help you
Switch on
Give your Zap a name (top left of the page)
Within Zapier, turn on the 'zap'. (top right of the page).
Within Yonder make sure your 'auto-send' surveys is set to ENABLED and you'll start automatically collecting reviews 👍. You may like to set the limit of reviews sent to clients to every 3 months or 6 months, instead of every time there is an event, to be considerate about sending review requests.
