How to setup API integration with Rezdy
Integrating via API
Integrating via API is the preferred method to connect however Rezdy only enables that as a feature for customers of their top tier plan. For all other plans, you can use Zapier as an interface to conenct Rezdy to Yonder, learn how here.
1. Log in to your Rezdy panel
2. Open "Integrations" and open "Rezdy API"
3. Copy the API Key and paste it into the Booking system settings within Yonder, link here.
4. Hit 'Activate'
5. You can confirm it's pulled in your product list by navigating to the tab "Manage Products", or use this link. If you're integrated successfully you should expect to see a list of all your products. Every time you open this page an API call is made to refresh the product list. If there are any issues, don't hesitate to reach out to Yonder support (